Kari's Klimbers - Willis Tower (seriously, Sears Tower) Climb!!!
We’ve had Kari’s Klimbers teams climbing the Sears Tower (now, Willis Tower) for the past five years. This year the climb is for a Chicago charity – the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago / RIC. I have a young friend who survived a stroke who was cared for and rehabilitated by RIC. She’s climbing with us in November… Information about the climb is available at www.SkyRiseChicago.org
The climb will be on Sunday, November 14th. Registration is $50 – however, there is a $100 pledge minimum. You can either sign-up and immediately pledge yourself $100 (total climb cost $150), or work to get pledges. My understanding is that if you do not have $100 in pledges at some point before the climb – you will not be permitted to climb.
Teams are limited to 10 people this year – I currently have one teams.
Join us if you’re interested – click on the links above – on my page, click the “Join Steve's Team” link and follow the registration instructions. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at BreathinSteven@gmail.com
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